Choosing tires for your vehicle can sometimes seem like the ultimate task but not when there’s someone to help you out! When you are choosing tires for 4X4 or SUVs, you have got to be extra careful because they carry heavy loads in general and might not work to the desired effect under all conditions, for example, rain, sleet, snow or harsh terrains. Today, let us guide you a bit about how to choose the right tire for your 4X4 or SUV. · Keep the tires same across. Make sure they are from the same manufacturer, are of the same type, load, speed rating etc. and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully · 4X4 tires can be broken down into 4 categories based on the terrain they are designed for. They are: Road tire for saloon cars: These are designed for urban use so they are highly responsive when it comes to corners and straights Mixed tires for SUVs: These tir...